Publications: Health

An Independent Audit of the Recruitment and Retention of Rural and Remote Nurses in Northern B.C.

February 2018
This audit looked to see if Northern Health was effectively recruiting and retaining registered nurses and nurse practitioners to fill the rural registered nurse and nurse practitioner positions identified in its human health resources plan.

Health Funding Explained 2

March 2017
The Health Funding Explained II information project is not a traditional audit, but an informative report that is designed to help the public and legislators understand how provincial health care dollars are being spent. This is the second time the Office of the Auditor General has undertaken an extensive public information project to help explain the funding of the health sector.

Workstation Support Services Contract: An Audit of Due Diligence

November 2016
This audit looked at whether the Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services and Health Shared Services BC completed appropriate due diligence when expanding government's 2004 agreement with the service provider to include the health authorities, and when extending the timeframe of the original agreement.

Access to Adult Tertiary Mental Health and Substance Use Services

May 2016
This report focuses on how B.C.'s health system manages access to adult tertiary mental health and substance use services, the highest level of care available for individuals with mental health and/or substance use issues.

An Audit of the Panorama Public Health IT System

August 2015
Determines if the Panorama application provides the IT solution the Ministry of Health expected for public health. This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on Monday November 2, 2015.

Follow-Up Report: Updates on the Implementation of Recommendations from Recent Reports

June 2014
This follow-up report provides audit level assurance on four of the 18 self-assessments from ministries and organizations in implementing recommendations from recent reports, verifies progress for 26 recommendations from four reports, and contains a follow-up to our 2011 report on BC Hydro. This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on February 4, 2015 and June 4, 2015.

Summary Report: Winter 2014

February 2014
The Summary Report: Winter 2014 shares findings from two projects: Health Shared Services BC and the K-12 Funding Allocation Model. It also recognizes some of the good work done in Government, which may not otherwise be shared in a public realm. This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on February 5, 2015.
