Publications: 2024
Enhancing Accountability for Performance in the British Columbia Public Sector: A Progress Report to the Legislative Assembly
April 1997
Sets out the progress achieved by the Deputy Ministers’ Council regarding changes to the performance management system.
Report on the 1995/96 Public Accounts
April 1997
An annual report to inform legislators and the public about the Auditor General’s opinion of government’s Summary Financial Statements.
A Review of Government Revenue and Expenditure Programs Relating to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Gaming
March 1997
A review of how government deals with the problem of balancing social responsibilities with opportunities to maximize revenue.
Trucking Safety: Ministry of Transportation and Highways Motor Vehicle Branch
December 1996
An examination of whether the government's three trucking safety programs achieved trucking safety in a cost-effective manner.
Crown Corporations Governance Study
November 1996
Examines the governance relationships and practices that exist in BC Crown corporations.
Vancouver Island Highway Project: Planning and Design
November 1996
The design for the VIMP was concluded to provide good value for money.