- A clear understanding exists of external stakeholder institutions and the organization's responsibilities and means of accounting to them.
- Strong and robust organizational structures and processes are in place to comply with and meet external accountabilities.
- An annual report (including financial statements) is published on a timely basis that presents an objective, balanced and understandable account along with an assessment of the organization's activities, achievements, financial position and performance prospects.
- A statement is published on whether or not standards or codes of governance have been adopted. This statement should identify the standards or codes adopted, whether compliance has been achieved with them and, if not, in what respect there has not been compliance and why.
- The interest and confidence of the public and service users are encouraged and maintained through relationship and dialogue building.
- The organization as a whole seeks and welcomes feedback, and responds quickly and responsibly to comments.
- The organization has a clear policy on the types of issues on which it will consult or engage the public and service users and clearly explains how it will use the input received in decision-making and how it will report back on these decisions.
- Relationships with the leaders of other organizations are formed and maintained as a foundation for effective working relationships at operational and strategic levels.