
Service Plan 2021/22 – 2023/24

Service Plan 2021/22 – 2023/24

September 2021
Our leadership team has worked collaboratively on developing this plan – it’s not the voice of one or two people, it’s the voice of all of the leaders in our organization. But it is more than a plan, it’s our story of how we aim to be a leading workplace: one that is inclusive and engaged, putting people first and focusing on delivering our best work to the legislative assembly. The past year and a half has not been easy for our world. There have been many challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and there have been a lot of changes in response. Our office has not been immune to challenges and changes. It is our hope that this plan sets a foundation that we can build on for years to come. 

Annual Report and Financial Statements 2020/21

June 2021
The 2020/21 annual report and accompanying financial statements provide an overview of our performance and financial position over the last year, as well as a look at our current goals and priorities.

Auditor General's Status Report

March 2021
This report outlines the status of audits that have changed due to unforeseen circumstances. Updates include the audit of BC Hydro’s Site C dam project, as well as audits of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, substance use services, mental health services wait times, and management of hazardous materials spills, among others.

Performance Audit Coverage Plan 2021/22 to 2022/23

March 2021
Each year, the office produces two coverage plans—the Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan and the Performance Audit Coverage Plan—which together, summarize our future work plans. This plan—the Performance Audit Coverage Plan—details the 17 performance audits we are currently working on and the 20 audits we intend to start between now and March 31, 2023.

Report on Financial Audit Work for the 2019/20 Fiscal Year

March 2021
This report explains our qualified audit opinion on government’s 2019/20 summary financial statements and includes other interesting matters such as Fortis BC’s interest in a power project and the estimated cost of environmental cleanup of contaminated sites.

Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan for fiscal years ending in 2022, 2023 and 2024

February 2021
Our annual audit of government’s summary financial statements is the largest financial audit in B.C. It encompasses central government plus over 140 other government organizations, including Crown corporations, universities, colleges, school districts, health authorities and similar entities that are controlled by or accountable to the provincial government.   This Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines how we determine which government entities’ financial statements we will audit directly, and which will be audited by private-sector firms.

Annual Report and Financial Statements 2019/20

July 2020
The 2019/20 annual report and accompanying financial statements provide an overview of our performance and financial position over the last year, as well as a look at our current goals and priorities.
