Professional Accountants

Why Join Our Team?

Attractive Compensation

We offer competitive compensation and a flexible benefit package, comparable to others in our industry.

Work/Life Balance

We offer four weeks' vacation (starting) and the opportunity to earn one flex day a month after work obligations are fulfilled.

Variety of Work

We work with a variety of industries (e.g. Health, Natural Resources, Education, Transportation, Finance), providing opportunities in Performance ("value for money") Auditing experience.

Professional Development

We take pride in developing and providing in-house courses to ensure you are up to date on all the latest information.

Further Education

We encourage team leaders to help employees identify and pursue opportunities for higher education.

BC Student Loan Forgiveness

We offer BC Student Loan forgiveness at the rate of one-third of the total per year under the Pacific Leaders Program for those eligible.

Travel Opportunities

We provide the opportunity to discover our beautiful province, as all of our positions require some travel throughout British Columbia.

Work Abroad

Our professional links with offices around the world allows for the opportunity to travel while strengthening your professional experience after achieving designation.
